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IG_458: Photograph Nr. 703. Egyptische Baugruppe. Weltausstellung in Wien 1873.


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Nr. 703. Egyptische Baugruppe. Weltausstellung in Wien 1873.

Type d'objet
Kramer, Oskar · Photographer
21.1 x 26.4 cm; 41.2 x 53.2 cm (on carton)



This photograph shows the minaret wing, the Arab dwelling (Arabisches Wohnhaus), the two minarets, as well as the dome of the mosque of the Egyptian building group at the Vienna world’s fair in 1873. The photograph demonstrates that the stucco and glass window, employed in various shapes and forms, was a central element.

Code Iconclass
25G41 · fleurs
48A981 · ornement ~ motifs géométriques
48A9815 · ornement ~ formes étoilées
Mot-clés Iconclass

Technique / Etat


Albumen print

Historique de l'oeuvre


On the minaret annex three pairs of mullioned windows can be seen. Their stucco lattices with a pattern of flowers in a star shape surrounded by perforated circles correspond to the stucco window planed by František Schmoranz for the Egyptian pavilion (IG_412). The window’s stucco lattice is an exact copy of a window drawn by Schmoranz in 1871 in Cairo in the mausoleum of the Qalawun funerary complex (built in 1284–1285) (IG_411). The only adjustment Schmoranz made was to the outline, giving the windows for Vienna a pointed arch.
The usage of coloured glass within the stucco grid is mentioned in a newspaper article on the minaret wing of the Egyptian pavilion. The author perceived the aesthetic effect of the windows with its ‘tropical plant decoration’ on the corridor as picturesque and seductive. (Vincenti, 1873, pp. 1995–1996.)

The Arab dwelling shows different window types. On the one hand, the round stained glass windows in orientalizing style which do not reference the specific technique and materiality of stucco and glass windows. On the other hand, Carl von Vincenti describes in a newspaper article the square windows above the mashrabiyya oriels as coloured glass inlaid into ‘plaster arabesques’. According to Vincenti, this type of window was called ‘Karamin’ and the high chambers of the Egyptian pavilion owed their very peculiarly pleasant twilight to them. (Vincenti, 1873, p. 1995). Photographs of models for the Egyptian pavilion’s décor show the stucco lattices used in the single (IG_423) and triple (IG_422) upper windows of the Arab dwelling.

Localisations liées
Lieu de production
Numéro d'inventaire

Bibliographie et sources


Vincenti, C. (1873). Weltausstellung 1873. Das ägyptische Wohnhaus, Wiener Abendpost. Beilage zur Wiener Zeitung, 250, 29.10.1873, 1995–1996.


1873: Weltausstellung, Vienna.
18.5.2024–1.9.2024: Luminosité de l’Orient, Vitromusée Romont

Informations sur l'image

Nom de l'image
Crédits photographiques
@ Wien Museum


Numéro de référence
Auteur·e et date de la notice
Franziska Niemand 2024