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IG_324: Replica of a stucco and glass window with star ornamentation


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Replica of a stucco and glass window with star ornamentation

Type d'objet
37.5 x 35 cm (sight size)
Selamlik, South side, s III



The two rectangular stained-glass panels in the upper part of the wooden cross-window show symmetrically arranged star ornamentation composed of four eight-pointed stars in yellow and red, which are inscribed within eight-pointed stars in blue. Reduced versions of an eight-pointed star made up of a green square and yellow points are set between the blue stars.

Code Iconclass
48A981 · ornement ~ motifs géométriques
48A9815 · ornement ~ formes étoilées
Mot-clés Iconclass

Technique / Etat

Etat de conservation et restaurations

Replacement of the lead during the latest restoration of the Selamlik windows (IG_322IG_327), in 2012.


Colourless and coloured pieces of glass set in lead. The outside of the colourless glass has a satin finish. To stabilize the stained glass, an iron rod was tied to the panel.

Historique de l'oeuvre


The design of the two panels of this window shows a colour variation of the composition of the neigbouring panels (IG_323), which faithfully reproduce a qamariyya drawn by the Bernese architect and draughtsman Theodor Zeerleder (1820–1868) in the sheikh’s house in Cairo (IG_471) during his journeys to Egypt in 1848 and 1849/1850 (Bäbler/Bätschmann, 2006, pp. 57–80; Giese, 2015, p. 38).

The stained-glass panels show a slightly modified version of the flower and star ornamentation documented in several of the stucco and glass windows studied from Egypt (see for instance IG_12, IG_38, IG_167, IG_171, IG_186)… Plus

Commanditaire / Donateur·trice

Count Albert de Pourtalès (1812-1861)

Localisation d'origine
Lieu de production

Bibliographie et sources


Bäbler, M. & Bätschmann, M.T. (2006). Mit Zirkel und Palette. Bern: Stämpfli Verlag.

BBB, Gr. B. 322
Burger Bibliothek Bern,

BBB, Mss.h.h.XLIV.78
Burger Bibliothek Bern, Theodor Zeerleder, Journal, 1846–1848, Burgerbibliothek Bern, Mss.h.h.XLIV.78

Germann 2002-a
Georg Germann, „Schloss Oberhofen und seine Grafen“, in Riviera am Thunersee im 19. Jh., Bern, Stämpfli Verlag, 2002, 97–100.

Germann 2002-b
Georg Germann, „Schloss Oberhofen und seine Architekten“, in Riviera am Thunersee im 19. Jh., Bern, Stämpfli Verlag, 2002, 101–112… Plus


18.5.2024–1.9.2024: Luminosité de l’Orient, Vitromusée Romont

Informations sur l'image

Nom de l'image


Numéro de référence
Auteur·e et date de la notice
Francine Giese 2024; Sarah Keller 2024

Objets et images liés

Objets liés
Buntes Fenster im Hause des Schechs
Photographies complémentaires
Schloss Oberhofen, Selamlik
Schloss Oberhofen, Selamlik, drawing by Theodor Zeerleder
Schloss, türkischer Rauchsalon, Projekt, Längs- und Querschnitt