
Dome of the Rock

Hiérarchie géographique
Coordonnées (WGS 84)
Auteur·e et date de la notice
Sarah Keller 2024
Informations sur le bâtiment / l'institution

The Dome of the Rock (Qubbat aṣ-Ṣakhra) on the Temple Mount of Jerusalem was initially built between 66 AH / 685 AD and 72 AH / 691 AD. After the Ottoman conquest of Jerusalem in 923–4 AH / 1517 AD, Sultan Suleiman Qanuni renovated the building. Among other things, he had all the windows replaced, thirty-six in the Octagon and sixteen in the drum of the dome. The new stucco and glass windows of the Octagon had a continuous inscription that gave Sultan Suleiman’s name as well as the date of 935 AH / 1528–29 AD… Plus


Flood, F. B. (2000). The Ottoman Windows in the Dome of the Rock and the Aqsa Mosque. In S. Auld, & R. Hillenbrand (Eds.), Ottoman Jerusalem (pp. 431–462). London: Altajir World of Islam Trust.

De Vogüé, M. (1864). Le Temple de Jérusalem, monographie du Haram-Ech-Chérif, suivie d'un essai sur la topographie de la ville sainte. Paris: Noblet et Baudry.

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