Information about the Building
The Dome of the Rock (Qubbat aṣ-Ṣakhra) on the Temple Mount of Jerusalem was initially built between 66 AH / 685 AD and 72 AH / 691 AD. After the Ottoman conquest of Jerusalem in 923–4 AH / 1517 AD, Sultan Suleiman Qanuni renovated the building. Among other things, he had all the windows replaced, thirty-six in the Octagon and sixteen in the drum of the dome. The new stucco and glass windows of the Octagon had a continuous inscription that gave Sultan Suleiman’s name as well as the date of 935 AH / 1528–29 AD… More
The Dome of the Rock (Qubbat aṣ-Ṣakhra) on the Temple Mount of Jerusalem was initially built between 66 AH / 685 AD and 72 AH / 691 AD. After the Ottoman conquest of Jerusalem in 923–4 AH / 1517 AD, Sultan Suleiman Qanuni renovated the building. Among other things, he had all the windows replaced, thirty-six in the Octagon and sixteen in the drum of the dome. The new stucco and glass windows of the Octagon had a continuous inscription that gave Sultan Suleiman’s name as well as the date of 935 AH / 1528–29 AD.
In 1864, Melchior de Vogüé published three illustrations of windows in the Octagon and transcribed the inscription (cf. IG_70).
The major restoration undertaken in 1291 AH / 1874 AD under Sultan Abdulaziz, as well as several subsequent interventions, have led to the replacement of probably all the windows (Flood, 2000, p. 433).
Flood, F. B. (2000). The Ottoman Windows in the Dome of the Rock and the Aqsa Mosque. In S. Auld, & R. Hillenbrand (Eds.), Ottoman Jerusalem (pp. 431–462). London: Altajir World of Islam Trust.
De Vogüé, M. (1864). Le Temple de Jérusalem, monographie du Haram-Ech-Chérif, suivie d'un essai sur la topographie de la ville sainte. Paris: Noblet et Baudry.