Christ is being taken down from the cross, a scene played out against a broad landscape with mountains in the distance The scene is densely populated. In the center, a muscular young man climbs a ladder and receives the body of Christ across his shoulder. The descent is aided by a cloth sling held tightly by a man behind the cross. Another young man uses pliers to pull a large nail from Christ’s still bleeding feet. The Virgin Mary is seated on the ground to the left with St. John, beardless and with billowing blond hair, behind her… Plus
11H(HENRY) · Henri II de Bamberg, empereur germanique; attributs possibles : couronne, lis, modèle d'église, globe, sceptre, épée
11HH(BARBARA) · Barbe, vierge et martyre; attributs possibles : livre, (boulet de) canon, couronne, croix, ciboire surmonté d'une hostie, Dioscure (son père), plume de paon, épée, torches, instruments de maçonnerie, tour
46A122(FLECKENSTEIN) · armoiries, héraldique (FLECKENSTEIN)
73D71 · la descente de croix : Jésus-Christ est enlevé de la croix, généralement par Nicodème et Joseph d'Arimathie, montés sur des échelles (les deux bras du Christ sont détachés de la croix)
Arms of Fleckenstein, Heinrich: Quarterly; 1 per bend sinister in chief azur an Imperial orb or in base bendy of four vert and or; 2 gules a pair of antlers argent and thereon a lion rampant or (Unidentified); 3 and 4 replaced by stopgaps; crest: (LEFT) on a barred helm to sinister a ducal coronet and therefrom a demi-vol charged as the base arms; (RIGHT) on a barred helm to dexter a cap gules banded or; mantling dexter and sinister of the colors.
Joseph Nimpt Jn Von Kreutz Herab/ Der Můtter […]r Schmer[.] In Gab (above the scene. Joseph takes Jesus down from the Cross; the mother is given [over] to sorrow)
Herr Heinrich Fleckenstein Ritter/ Schulttheiβ vnd Banerherr Loblich / Statt Lucern Anō 1592 (below scene. Mr. Heinrich Fleckenstein, knight, mayor and military commander of the praiseworthy city of Lucerne, in the year 1592. Bannerherr, literally Standard Bearer, can be translated as the rank of colonel).