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US_18: Heraldic Panel Renward Göldlin with the Baptism of Christ


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Heraldic Panel Renward Göldlin with the Baptism of Christ

Type d'objet
68.3 x 70.2 cm (26 7/8 x 27 5/8 in.)



On the left, Christ stands in the river Jordan. Above him is the Dove of the Holy Spirit and above that God the Father appearing on a balcony in a celestial revelation. John, to the right, extends his hand over Christ to pour the water, He is shown “clothed in camel hair” represented by his brown tunic, over which, however, he wears a great red cloak. Two angels carrying Christ’s robes appear in the back of the scene. A dense crowd silhouetted against the landscape looks on from the right. At the sides… Plus

Code Iconclass
11G · anges
11G183 · l'archange Michel (souvent en armure, avec épée et lance)
11H(RENWARD)1 · saints (RENWARD) - aspects spécifiques ~ saint
46A122(GÖLDLIN) · armoiries, héraldique (GÖLDLIN)
73C121 · le baptême de Jésus-Christ dans la rivière du Jourdain : Jean Baptiste verse de l'eau sur la tête de Jésus-Christ; le Saint-Esprit descend
Mot-clés Iconclass

Arms of Göldlin from Tiefenau, Renward: Quarterly; 1 and 4 per fess in chief argent two roses seeded or in base azure a fleur-de-lis inverted argent; 2 and 3 argent two fishes adorsed gules; crest: (LEFT) on a barred helm to sinister a ducal coronet and thereon a fleur-de-lis argent; mantling azure and argent; (RIGHT) on a barred helm to dexter two fishes as the charge; mantling of the colors.


Johanes Taūfft Den Herr Zartt/ Der heillig Geist Geseehn Wardt (Above the scene. John lovingly baptizes the Lord. The Holy Spirit is seen.)
S. RENWART (sic) ORA PRO NOBIS (On halo. St. Renward, pray for us)
Rennhardus (sic) Göldlin Von Thieffenaūw protonotarius / Apstolus (Apostolicus) Thum Custor (Custos) Der Hochstifft pasll (Basel) Ch[..]herr (Chorherr) zu Münster Jm Ergouw 1594
(Below scene. Renward Göldlin of Tiefenau, Protonotary Apostolic and cathedral custodian of the collegiate foundation of Basel, cannon of Beromünster in Aargau, 1594)



Technique / Etat

Etat de conservation et restaurations

The panel has been augmented with modern infill in the spandrels, producing a rectangular rather than arched format. The wings of both angels at the top date from this intervention. In addition, the Baptist's head and the right arm of the tunic are new. The lower inscription on the left is also replaced. In the same area, the figure of the angel is problematic. The lighter tonality and more superficial feel to the draftsmanship may very well mark an early replacement, or a stopgap used from another window in the series. Alternatively, the differences may be attributed to another painter’s hand within the Fallenter workshop.


The panel is composed of large areas defined by enamels and vitreous paints on uncolored glass. Pot metal glass in shades of purple, red and blue is also prevalent. Flashed and abraded glass appears in deep red areas such as the Baptist’s cloak. Two shades of silver stain are used, visible in the contrast of bright and dull yellows in the aureole around the Holy Spirit. Sanguine appears liberally to highlight flesh areas

Historique de l'oeuvre


The original composition of Rathausen’s cloister, with its sixty-seven panels illuminating its walks, must have created an extraordinary space of prayer and meditation. The Baptism of Christ combines theology and personal expression as well as dramatic landscape imagery. The donor, Renward Göldlin (1531–1600), built a highly distinguished career. He was canon of the collegiate church of Beromünster in the canton of Aargau, since 1551, entering the priesthood in 1556. In 1574, he was named a Protonotary Apostolic, an office normally associated with a college of prelates in the Roman Curia, but which can be conferred by the Pope as a special honor to a prelate outside of Rome… Plus

Commanditaire / Donateur·trice

Göldlin, Renward

Localisation d'origine
Ehem. Zisterzienserinnenkloster Rathausen, Ebikon · East Wing of Cloister: opening 15
Lieu de production
Propriétaire précédent·e

In 1841, Rathausen was suppressed and the windows were ordered sold. In 1853, the entire collection was purchased by James Meyer of St. Gall who split it, sending panels over time to sales in Vienna, London, Paris, and Berlin. The four at LACMA are recorded as remaining in St. Gall until 1890; they were subsequently in the collection of James A. Garland, Boston, until being sold to William Randolph Hearst at the Garland estate sale of 1924. Hearst gave them to the museum in 1943; they were accessioned in 1945.

Numéro d'inventaire

Bibliographie et sources


Boesch, P. (1953b). “Renward Göldlin von Tiefenau und der Glasmaler Hans Sur von Basel,” Zeitschrift für Schweizerische Archäologie und Kunstgeschichte, 14.

Garland sale (1924). Rare and Beautiful Works of Art Inherited and Collected by the Late James A. Garland [sale cat., American Art Galleries, 17-19 January], New York.

Hayward, J. (1989). Stained Glass before 1700 in American Collections: Midwestern and Western States. Corpus Vitrearum Checklist III, ed. and intro. Madeline H. Caviness and Jane Hayward (Studies in the History of Art, 28), Washington, 1989… Plus

Informations sur l'image

Nom de l'image
Crédits photographiques
Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles CA,
Lien vers l'image originale
Public Domain


Numéro de référence
Auteur·e et date de la notice
Virginia C. Raguin 2024