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US_3: Heraldic Panel Niklaus Holdermeyer with Adoration of the Magi


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Heraldic Panel Niklaus Holdermeyer with Adoration of the Magi

Type d'objet
68.4 x 70.2 cm (26 7/8 x 27 5/8 in.)



The scene is densely populated; central is the seated Virgin holding her Divine Child as Joseph peeks over her shoulder. The Three Kings approach from the right; the oldest kneels, his middle-aged companion stands slightly to the rear, and the youngest, from Africa, stands to the front. In the distance is a star over riders on camels. A circular arch above the scene is inhabited by angels holding an inscription. Patron saints, male to the left, the Archangel Michael, and female to right, St. Verena stand at the base… Plus

Code Iconclass
11G · anges
11G183 · l'archange Michel (souvent en armure, avec épée et lance)
11HH(VERENA) · sainte (VERENA)
46A122(HOLDERMEYER) · armoiries, héraldique (HOLDERMEYER)
73B57 · adoration des Rois mages : les trois offrent des présents à l'enfant Jésus (de l'or, de l'encens et de la myrrhe)
Mot-clés Iconclass
adoration · ange · armoiries · armure · encens · épée · épice · héraldique · lance · Michel · myrrhe · offrir · or · présent (cadeau)

Arms of Holdermeyer, Niklaus: Quarterly; 1 and 4 or a plowshare azure; 2 and 3 per fess in chief azure a lion rampant couped or in base chequy of argent and gules; crest: (LEFT) on a barred helm to sinister a demi-man garbed with the first with the charge upon his breast (RIGHT) on a barred helm to dexter a demi-lion rampant or; mantling of the colors.


Above the scene: Die Wÿsen Vβ Dem Morgēlandt/ Gold Mirhen Wierauch gopfert hād (The Wise men from the East offered gold, myrrh and incense)
Below scene: H. Niclaūs Holdermeier Probst Zū/ Zūrzach Vnd Chorher Der Gestifft Zū /Münster Jm Ergeüw Anno 1592/ FF (Mr. Niklaus Holdermeyer provost in Zurzach, and Canon of the collegiate church of Beromünster in Aargau (today in canton Lucerne), the year 1592)



Technique / Etat

Etat de conservation et restaurations

The panel is substantially intact except for the segment on the lower right. The donor identifies himself as a canon, matching the pose and dress of the man reading. Yet the physiognomy of the donor and the style of painting are from an arguably later date. The reverse side of the segment with the canon shows an entirely different application of the blue enamel. There may have been damage, or for some reason the donor – or his inheritor – desired a more up-to-date image.


The panel employs significant areas of deeply saturated red flashed an abraded pot metal glass with shades of green and purple glass. Uncolored glass is treated with vitreous paint and blue, purple and green enamels. Two shades of silver stain are used, visible in the contrast of light and deep yellows in the hair and halo of the Virgin. Sanguine appears to highlight flesh areas. Fallenter’s love of variety in color finds its expression in the juxtaposition of vivid colors and the multihued enamels… Plus

Historique de l'oeuvre


The original composition of Rathausen’s cloister, with its sixty-seven panels illuminating its walks, must have created an extraordinary space of prayer and meditation. The Adoration of the Magi is one of the most popular narratives in the life of Christ. The inscription names the three gifts: gold, symbolic of Christ’s earthly royalty, incense, symbolic of his divinity, and myrrh, foretelling his death. The subject expounds the message that Christ came to save all people, and, although born a Jew, even from his infancy, he welcomed Gentiles as well as Abraham’s descendants… Plus

Localisation d'origine
Ehem. Zisterzienserinnenkloster Rathausen, Ebikon · East Wing of Cloister: opening 11
Lieu de production
Propriétaire précédent·e

In 1841, Rathausen was suppressed and the windows were ordered sold. In 1853, the entire collection was purchased by James Meyer of St. Gall who split it, sending panels over time to sales in Vienna, London, Paris, and Berlin. The four at LACMA are recorded as remaining in St. Gall until 1890; they were subsequently in the collection of James A. Garland, Boston, until being sold to William Randolph Hearst at the Garland estate sale of 1924. Hearst gave them to the museum in 1943; they were accessioned in 1945.

Numéro d'inventaire

Bibliographie et sources


Garland sale (1924). Rare and Beautiful Works of Art Inherited and Collected by the Late James A. Garland [sale cat., American Art Galleries, 17-19 January], New York.

Hayward, J. (1989). Stained Glass before 1700 in American Collections: Midwestern and Western States. Corpus Vitrearum Checklist III, ed. and intro. Madeline H. Caviness and Jane Hayward (Studies in the History of Art, 28), Washington, 1989.

Herder Lexikon (1968-76). Lexikon der christlichen Ikonographie, ed. Engelbert Kirschbaum, 8 vols… Plus

Informations sur l'image

Nom de l'image
Crédits photographiques
Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles CA,
Lien vers l'image originale
Public Domain


Numéro de référence
Auteur·e et date de la notice
Virginia C. Raguin 2024