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IG_360: Stucco glass window with circle and flower ornamentation

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Stucco and glass window with circle and flower ornamentation

Type of Object
Artist / Producer
Place of Manufacture
Egypt · ?
13th century AH / Second half of 19th century AD
58 x 39.5 cm (with frame); 52.2 x 34.2 cm (without frame)



The design of this stucco and glass window consists of alternating rows of interlaced circles and six-petalled flowers in yellow. The symmetrically arranged ornamentation is interspersed with two vertical and two zigzag bands in blue. The motif is set in a background of colourless glass and framed by an ogee arch. Stylizised six-petalled flowers in red and light blue are set in the red-coloured spandrels above the arch. The entire motif is surrounded by a rectangular double frame decorated with blue dots.

The window is preserved in a wooden frame 45mm wide. The frame is painted brown.

Iconclass Code
48A981 · ornament ~ geometric motifs
48A98131 · ornament ~ circle and derived from circle, e.g.: guilloche
48A983 · ornament derived from plant forms
48A9833 · flowers ~ ornament
Iconclass Keywords

Technique / State

State of Conservation and Restorations

This stucco and glass window is well preserved. There are only minor losses in the latticework and around the edges on the back of the stucco panel.


Latticework carved into a rectangular stucco panel and inlaid with colourless and coloured glass. The pieces of glass are fixed on the back of the lattice with a 1.5–2mm-thick plaster layer. The stucco layer fixing the pieces of glass to the back of the panel has been dressed with a serrated tool, possibly to remove excess plaster.

The majority of the plaster panels of stucco and glass windows examined during the project were produced by pouring plaster into a wooden frame with a hollow profile. The c.30mm-thick panel of this window was most likely not produced in its present frame, but was fitted into the frame with plaster and probably fixed with nails. The stucco panel is however not firmly attached to the frame – there is some play between the frame and the stucco panel.

The design of the latticework has been carved out of the stucco panel with a sharp, knife-like tool following a template incised in the surface of the panel. There are traces of the preparatory drawing, including incisions in the plaster and lines drawn in sanguine. The design is worked out in relief and has two levels: The main motif (level –1) is recessed (c.4mm) with respect to the arch and the dotted double frame. The latticework has been worked in such a way that the incident light is directed slightly downwards into the room.

Some of the colourless and coloured pieces of glass show small, elongated bubbles suggesting that the sheet glass was mouth-blown. The pieces of glass are cut according to the design of the latticework. Scratch marks along the edges of some of the pieces of glass suggest that a diamond cutter was used to cut the glass.



The design of this window differs significantly from Islamic examples, despite the symmetrical arrangement of the individual elements (circles, flowers, bands). The finely drawn circles, in particular, are reminiscent of drawings in ornament treatises from the 19th century. We therefore assume that the window was designed by a Western architect in the second half of the 19th century, when interest in Islamic ornament and stucco and glass windows was at its peak. However, the place of manufacture remains unclear. As the window was made following the traditional Islamic technique, it cannot be ruled out that is was produced in an Egyptian workshop according to the architect’s design. The sheet glass might have been imported from Europe, as mentioned by the Hungarian architect Max Herz (Herz, 1902, p. 53).

Owing to the lack of documentation, the original purpose of the window – be it for use in an Arab-style interior or for sale on the art market – and the date at which the window entered a museum collection are unknown. So far it can only be proven that the window formed part of the collection of the Orientalisches Museum in Vienna, founded in 1874 (from 1886 the k.k. Österreichisches Handelsmuseum). In 1907, it was transferred to the k.k. Österreichisches Museum für Kunst und Industrie (today the MAK – Museum für angewandte Kunst, Vienna). The transfer was done on the initiative of Arthur von Scala (1845–1909), who left the k.k. Österreichisches Handelsmuseum in 1897 to become the new director of the k.k. Österreichisches Museum für Kunst und Industrie (Wieninger, 2012).

Like the stylistically and technically related stucco and glass window MAK, 3607 (IG_361), this window served as a direct model for the lateral stucco and glass windows (panels 1 and 3) installed in the mashrabiyya of the Arab Room of the k.k. Österreichisches Museum für Kunst und Industrie (MAK, H 3358-4, IG_264). The mashrabiyya and the stucco and glass windows were designed by the Czech architects František Schmoranz (1845–1892) and Johann Machytka (1844–1887) between 1881 and 1883. The date of manufacture of the window discussed here can therefore be further narrowed down, as it must have been created before 1883.

13th century AH / Second half of 19th century AD
1850 – 1883
Previous Location
Place of Manufacture
Egypt · ?
Inventory Number
OR 3606

Bibliography and Sources


Herz, M. (1902). Le musée national du Caire (premier article). Gazette des Beaux-Arts, 28, 45–59.

Wieninger, J. (2012). Das Orientalische Museum in Wien: 1874–1906. Austriaca, *37*, 143–158.

Image Information

Name of Image
© MAK/Christian Mendez


Reference Number
Author and Date of Entry
Francine Giese 2024; Sophie Wolf 2024