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US_27: Heraldic Panel Kaspar Pfyffer and Maria Jakobea Mohr


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Wappenscheibe Kaspar Pfyffer und Maria Jakobea Mohr

Art des Objekts
Künstler*in / Hersteller*in
69.2 x 52.1 cm (27 ¼ x 20 ½ in.)



Arms of husband and wife are set in an oval laurel wreath embellished by orange bosses at the sides, scroll work at the top, and the emblem of the Order of St. Michael at the bottom. The shields are surmounted by barred helms with rich mantling of the heraldic colors and silhouetted against a white ribboned ground. The oval laurel wreath is surrounded by an elaborate rectangular baroque frame. At the sides, in the upper level, are Caspar, one of the Three Magi, and Mary Magdalene, name saints of the donors… Mehr

Iconclass Code
11H(CASPAR) · männliche Heilige (CASPAR)
11H(MARY MAGDALENE) · männliche Heilige (MARY MAGDALENE)
45A10 · Symbole, Allegorien des Krieges; Ripa: Guerra
Iconclass Stichworte

Arms of Pfyffer, Kaspar: sable a fleur-de-lis or within a bordure of the last; crest: on a barred helm to sinister a ducal coronet and thereon a demi-vol of the first charged as the field; mantling of the colors
Arms of Mohr, Maria Jakobea: or 2 moors heads couped two and one proper within a bordure of the first; crest: on a barred helm to dexter a turban of the colors and therefrom three ostrich feathers of the second and the first; mantling of the colors


Hr. Caspar Pfiffer Ritter vnd Fenner des ineren/ Raths lobl: Statt Lūcern Gewesner Landtvogt der Graffschaft Zů/ Rottenbūrg vnd Laūwis wie aūch oberzügherr diβer Statt vnd/ Fr. Maria Jacobe Mörin sin Ehegemalin: Anno 1663
(Mr. Caspar Pfyffer Knight and Military Commander of the Inner Council of the praiseworthy city of Lucerne. Former district governor of the county of Rotenburg [canton Lucerne] and Lugano [canton Tessin] and in Lucerne, the armory manager and Mrs. Maria Jacobea Mohr, his wedded wife, in the year 1663).



Technik / Zustand

Erhaltungszustand und Restaurierungen

When examined in 2009 by the author, the leading was extremely fragile and there were many cracks. Several segments have been lost; a large segment of glass is missing from the area showing Mary Magdalene.


The panels are composed of uncolored glass with silver stain, sanguine, and blue, green, purple, and pink enamel. Enamel colors are applied with an even consistency. The painter makes consistent use of uniform mat washes that are then enhanced through the addition of trace and an additional medium wash, as well as varied stick work. Backpainting appears most often as a solid matte to emphasize a darker shade.



Between 1662 and 1669, a series of panels was apparently created for the Lucerne Rathaus by Jakob Geilinger the Elder (1611–1677), a prominent painter in mid-seventeenth century Lucerne (Lehmann, 1942, pp. 200–210, figs. 285, 286; Habegger, 2001, pp. 103–106). Despite the repeated format, they are lively and varied. The donors are honored by the display of lineage, and at the same time invoke piety through the presence of patron saints. The inscription names the man as a member of the Inneren Rhats (Inner Council) of the Praiseworthy City of Lucerne and a number of the families appear to be interrelated… Mehr


Pfyffer, Kaspar · Mohr, Maria Jakobea

Ursprünglicher Standort

The panel was in the dealership of the Charles Gallery, New York, before being acquired by William Randolph Hearst (notes on Hearst Inventory 1943). Hearst donated the panel to the museum in 1943; it was accessioned in 1945.


Bibliografie und Quellen


Bander van Duren, P. (1995). Orders of Knighthood and of Merit: The Pontifical, Religious and Secularised Catholic-founded Orders and their Relationship to the Apostolic, Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire.

Habegger, U. (2001). Jahrbuch der Historischen Gesellschaft Luzern 19.

Hasler, R. (2002). Glasmalerei im Kanton Aargau 3. Kreuzgang von Muri. Corpus Vitrearum Schweiz, Reihe Neuzeit 2. Lehrmittelverlag des Kantons Aargau.

Hayward, J. (1989). Stained Glass before 1700 in American Collections: Midwestern and Western States… Mehr


Name des Bildes
Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles CA,
Public Domain


Autor*in und Datum des Eintrags
Virginia C. Raguin 2024