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IG_454: Photograph Nr. 1455. Türkisches Wohnhaus. Nordseite. Weltausstellung 1873, Wien


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Nr. 1455. Türkisches Wohnhaus. Nordseite. Weltausstellung 1873, Wien

Art des Objekts
Werkstatt / Atelier



This photograph shows the Turkish dwelling (Türkisches Wohnhaus), one of the Ottoman pavilions at the 1873 Weltausstellung in Vienna. IIt has two main sections; the one on the left is taller than the other because a row of stucco and glass windows was added above the regular windows. Positioned in a framed rectangular opening, the stucco panel shows a perforated surface with a pointed arch and unperforated spandrels. The stucco lattice forms the outline of stylized tendrils with split palmettes. The intertwined tendrils are symmetrically growing upwards with circles or three-lobed palmettes at the connecting points.
The building in the background is the Turkish Coffeehouse (Türkisches Café). Above its windows, upper windows of stucco and glass are visible too.

Iconclass Code
48AA983112 · Palmette (Ornament) - AA - stilisiert
48AA98312 · Ornamente in Form von Ranken - AA - stilisiert
Iconclass Stichworte

Technik / Zustand


Albumen print



The design of the stucco and glass windows of the Turkish dwelling was published as a monochrome illustration in the ‘Observations on Ottoman Ornamentation. Windows’ (‘Bemerkungen zur Osmanischen Ornamentation. Glasscheiben’ / ‘Notices sur l’ornementation ottomane. Vitraux’) in Launay, M. de Die Ottomanische Baukunst / L’Architecture ottomane / Uṣūl-i Miʿmāriyye-i ʿUsmaniyye, Istanbul: Imprimerie et lithographie centrales (1873) Pl. I (IG_388), where it is described as modern window designed by Montani (‘Moderne Glasscheiben von Montani Effendi’ / ‘Vitraux modernes de la composition de Montani Effendi’, p. 79). Pietro Montani was the architect of the Ottoman pavilions at the Vienna world’s fair.

Photographs documenting the Turkish pavilions are solely in black and white, but written sources mention “the splendour of the colours of the glass framework in the upper parts of the windows” of the Turkish dwelling (Maw/Dredge, 1874, p. 381).

The typology with stylized intertwined tendrils, half-palmettes and palmettes is documented for other Ottoman stucco and glass windows. For example, they can be seen in depictions of windows in the Süleymaniye Camii (Süleymaniye Mosque) in Istanbul (IG_234), and the Yeşil Türbe (Green Tomb) in Bursa (IG_245, IG_250), and in depictions of some of the windows in the dome of the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem by Ernest Tatham Richmond (The Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1924, fig. 67). However, these examples are not only of a greater scale, but mostly have more delicate perforations and smaller pieces of glass.
The stucco and glass windows presented by the Ottomans in the Pavillon du Bosphore (IG_109) and the Ottoman mosque (IG_108) at the Exposition Universelle in Paris in 1867 were also of this typology.

Verknüpfte Standorte

Bibliografie und Quellen


Maw, W. H., Dredge, J. (1874). The Exhibition Buildings. In Reports on the Vienna Universal Exhibition of 1873. Part III. (pp. 327–382). George E. Eyre And William Spottiswoode.


1873: Weltausstellung, Vienna.
18.5.2024–1.9.2024: Luminosité de l’Orient, Vitromusée Romont


Name des Bildes
@ Wien Museum


Autor*in und Datum des Eintrags
Franziska Niemand 2024