
Wiener Photographen Association

Vienna Photographers Association · Viennese Photographers' Association
Period of Activity
1872 – 1873
Author and Date of Entry
Franziska Niemand 2024
Information about the Studio

Founded in 1872 with the aim of systematically photographing the Vienna world’s fair, including views of the exhibition and exterior views of the pavilions. It was a union of four photographic studios (Michael Frankenstein, Oscar Kramer, Josef Löwy, and György Klösz) that had exclusive photographic rights to document the fair as soon as the construction work began in 1872. After the end of the Vienna world's fair in 1873, the Wiener Photographen Association was dissolved.


Fellner-Feldhaus, M. (2004). Fotografischer Schauplatz Weltausstellung. Dokumentation und Inszenierung. In Technisches Museum Wien (Ed.), Welt ausstellen. Schauplatz Wien 1873 (pp. 11–34). Technisches Museum Wien.

Niemand, F. (2019). „Orientalische“ Architektur und fotografische Dokumentation der Wiener Weltausstellung 1873 [Masterthesis]. Universität Wien.