
Dollischek, Joseph

Dollischek, Josef
Birth and Death
Vienna 1827–1891 Bukarest
Author and Date of Entry
Franziska Niemand 2021
Biographical Data

Joseph Dollischek was born in Vienna. After his artistic education in Munich, he returned to Vienna to become sculptor to the imperial and royal court. He is known among other work for the interior decoration of the Palais Eschenbach in Vienna (1870–72) and at the Vienna world’s fair of 1873 he was involved in the Kaiserpavillon and the execution of the architectural decoration of the Egyptian pavilion after plans by the architect František Schmoranz. In 1882, Dollischek relocated his residence and workshop to Romania, where he died in 1891 from a heart attack.


Kleine Chronik. Joseph Dollischek (1891, April 18). Neue Freie Presse. Abendblatt, 9570, 1.