
Bruin, Auguste

Auguste Bruin. Peinture sur Verre & Vitrerie d’Art pour Églises & Appartements, maison fondée en 1794
Period of Activity
Author and Date of Entry
Sarah Keller 2020; Francine Giese 2024
Locations With Objects
Information about the Studio

The stained-glass artist Auguste Bruin (active 1872–1908) offered “Peinture sur Verre & Vitrerie d’Art pour Églises & Appartements”. His workshop was founded in 1794 and located at Rue Chevert 12 in Paris. A signed stained glass window of the year 1872 is to be found in the church of Saint-Martin de Chevreuse (Île-de-France). Bruin also had presented his works at the Exposition Universelle of Paris in 1878 (Keller, 2020, p. 35; Luneau, 2006, p. 200–202, 224, 239).
In 1908, Bruin was commissioned by the Parisian architect Henri Saladin (1851–1923) to execute a replica of an Islamic stucco and glass window for the fumoir arabe of Henri Moser-Charlottenfels according to the architect's design and instructions. No other neo-Islamic stained glass by Bruin is known to date.


Keller, S. (2020). “De véritables merveilles d’exécution”: Les vitraux du fumoir arabe d’Henri Moser. In F. Giese, M. Volait, & A. Varela Braga, (eds.). À l’orientale. Collecting, Displaying and Appropriating Islamic Art and Architecture in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries (pp. 28–38). Leiden/Boston: Brill.

Luneau, J.-F. (2006). Félix Gaudin: peintre-verrier et mosaïste, 1851–1930. Clermont-Ferrand: Presses universitaires Blaise-Pascal.