The panel presents a view of a dining room of an inn. A group of men sit at a round table. They are distinguished by their luxurious dress and hats and by the elegant beer pokals and goblets which fill the table. The wooden beams of the floor and ceiling are rendered in a linear manner akin to a woodcut impression, and the miniature-like background landscape viewed through open arches has an expressive, spontaneous quality. A female servant brings in food from the top left. In the foreground, a dog gnaws a bone on the left, and the ceremonial host dressed in blue and white serves wine from a pitcher on the right… More
44B23 · municipal government
44G13 · magistracy, judges
46A122(ALTHER) · armorial bearing, heraldry (ALTHER)
46A122(ARNOLT) · armorial bearing, heraldry (ARNOLT)
46A122(BUETIGER) · armorial bearing, heraldry (BUETIGER)
46A122(BUETTIGER) · armorial bearing, heraldry (BUETTIGER)
46A122(EGGER) · armorial bearing, heraldry (EGGER)
46A122(GIGER) · armorial bearing, heraldry (GIGER)
46A122(LENER) · armorial bearing, heraldry (LENER)
46A122(LINDENMAN) · armorial bearing, heraldry (LINDENMAN)
46A122(MUEES) · armorial bearing, heraldry (MUEES)
46A122(MUELLER) · armorial bearing, heraldry (MUELLER)
46A122(SCHRIBER) · armorial bearing, heraldry (SCHRIBER)
46A122(STUDER) · armorial bearing, heraldry (STUDER)
46A122(SUESER) · armorial bearing, heraldry (SUESER)
Vert three feathers fess wise or (Schriber); pourpure a housmark sable (Mües); or a housemark sable (Müller); Per bend sable and or in chief a winged demi-man of the second (Studer); Azure a housemark sable (Egger); Tenne a housemark sable (Lener); Azure a housemark sable (Bütiger); gules a grill mark sable (Süser); azure a nail sable (Giger); argenta cros or surmounting a crescent moon (Jacob Re[. . . ] er; or an A sable (Arnolt); purpure a londen branchafed oron a triple mount or (Lindenman); argent a Z and ring mark sable (Alt/her); gules a housemark sable (Büttiger)
[Jörg Schriber/ Ama] .1. (George Schriber first magistrate); [Uli Mūes/ .3.] (Uli Mües third magistrate); Henslie Müller .5. (John Müller fifth magistrate); [Baltz Studer] .7. (Balthazar Studer seventh magistrate); Jacob Eg/ger .9. (Jacob Egger ninth magistrate); Jacob Lener .10. (Jacob Lener tenth magistrate); Gebhart Bütiger .11. (Gebhart Bütiger eleventh magistrate); Tebis Süser .12. (Tebis Süser twelfth magistrate); Hañs Giger .13. (Hans Geiger thirteenth magistrate); Jacob Re[ …] er Waibel (Jacob Reul. .er Waibel, host/usher); [Berni Arnoult .8.] (Bernard Arnoult eighth magistrate); Andareas .6. /Lindeman (Andrew Lindeman sixth magistrate); Jochli Alt/her .4. (Joachim Alther fourth magistrate); [Melken Büttiger .2.] (Melken Büttiger second magistrate)
Ein Amã Sh[ . ]riber und gätz Ersam Gric[ . ] zu Goldach / Anno Domini. 1580. (Below scene. First Magistrate Schriber and the whole honorable law court of Goldach / Year of Our Lord 1580)