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US_17: Banquet Scene of the Members of the Law Court of Goldach

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Banquet Scene of the Members of the Law Court of Goldach

Type of Object
Artist / Producer
Wirt, Niklaus · signed
41.3 x 32.2 cm (15 1/2 x 12 1/8 in.)



The panel presents a view of a dining room of an inn. A group of men sit at a round table. They are distinguished by their luxurious dress and hats and by the elegant beer pokals and goblets which fill the table. The wooden beams of the floor and ceiling are rendered in a linear manner akin to a woodcut impression, and the miniature-like background landscape viewed through open arches has an expressive, spontaneous quality. A female servant brings in food from the top left. In the foreground, a dog gnaws a bone on the left, and the ceremonial host dressed in blue and white serves wine from a pitcher on the right… More

Iconclass Code
41C5 · celebration meal, feast, banquet
44B23 · municipal government
44G13 · magistracy, judges
46A122(ALTHER) · armorial bearing, heraldry (ALTHER)
46A122(ARNOLT) · armorial bearing, heraldry (ARNOLT)
46A122(BUETIGER) · armorial bearing, heraldry (BUETIGER)
46A122(BUETTIGER) · armorial bearing, heraldry (BUETTIGER)
46A122(EGGER) · armorial bearing, heraldry (EGGER)
46A122(GIGER) · armorial bearing, heraldry (GIGER)
46A122(LENER) · armorial bearing, heraldry (LENER)
46A122(LINDENMAN) · armorial bearing, heraldry (LINDENMAN)
46A122(MUEES) · armorial bearing, heraldry (MUEES)
46A122(MUELLER) · armorial bearing, heraldry (MUELLER)
46A122(SCHRIBER) · armorial bearing, heraldry (SCHRIBER)
46A122(STUDER) · armorial bearing, heraldry (STUDER)
46A122(SUESER) · armorial bearing, heraldry (SUESER)
Iconclass Keywords

Vert three feathers fess wise or (Schriber); pourpure a housmark sable (Mües); or a housemark sable (Müller); Per bend sable and or in chief a winged demi-man of the second (Studer); Azure a housemark sable (Egger); Tenne a housemark sable (Lener); Azure a housemark sable (Bütiger); gules a grill mark sable (Süser); azure a nail sable (Giger); argenta cros or surmounting a crescent moon (Jacob Re[. . . ] er; or an A sable (Arnolt); purpure a londen branchafed oron a triple mount or (Lindenman); argent a Z and ring mark sable (Alt/her); gules a housemark sable (Büttiger)


[Jörg Schriber/ Ama] .1. (George Schriber first magistrate); [Uli Mūes/ .3.] (Uli Mües third magistrate); Henslie Müller .5. (John Müller fifth magistrate); [Baltz Studer] .7. (Balthazar Studer seventh magistrate); Jacob Eg/ger .9. (Jacob Egger ninth magistrate); Jacob Lener .10. (Jacob Lener tenth magistrate); Gebhart Bütiger .11. (Gebhart Bütiger eleventh magistrate); Tebis Süser .12. (Tebis Süser twelfth magistrate); Hañs Giger .13. (Hans Geiger thirteenth magistrate); Jacob Re[ …] er Waibel (Jacob Reul. .er Waibel, host/usher); [Berni Arnoult .8.] (Bernard Arnoult eighth magistrate); Andareas .6. /Lindeman (Andrew Lindeman sixth magistrate); Jochli Alt/her .4. (Joachim Alther fourth magistrate); [Melken Büttiger .2.] (Melken Büttiger second magistrate)
Ein Amã Sh[ . ]riber und gätz Ersam Gric[ . ] zu Goldach / Anno Domini. 1580. (Below scene. First Magistrate Schriber and the whole honorable law court of Goldach / Year of Our Lord 1580)



Technique / State

State of Conservation and Restorations

The Vincent sale of 1890 describes the panel as a fragment, and retaining the names and numerical position of only eight of the judges and the usher (Waibel). They are transcribed as: Jochli Alther 4, Hensli Müller 5, Andareas 6 lindenman, Jacob Egger 9, Jacob Lener 10, Gebhart Rütiger 11, Tebis Suser 12, hans Giger13, Jacob Reul. . .Waibel (Rahn, 1890, p. 218, no. 229). The monogram NW (Niklaus Wirt) is also noted. At some later time, the panel was given five modern arms with corresponding inscriptions, resulting in the full complement of fourteen arms and figures… More


The central scene is of uncolored glass with a concentrated application of vitreous paint and silver stain for the table objects and a few touches of enamel on costume details.



This lively scene of banqueting members of a law court, called a Gerichtsscheibe, is a characteristic type of Swiss society panel of the late sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. In a broad view of Swiss glazing history, Boesch included this panel as a typical example of the genre commemorating all active members of a law court, guild, or other civic association (Heberle, 1891, p. 30, no. 209; Boesch, 1955, p. 104, without identifying the LACMA ownership). Boesch notes different types of Gerichtsscheiben found in both rectangular and circular form, including the law court in session, the law court in convivial setting, and personifications… More

Original Donor

Goldach, Law Court

Previous Location
Place of Manufacture
Previous Owner

In 1890, the panel was part of the Vincent Collection in Constance, Germany (Rahn, 1890, p. 218, no. 229). The panel was purchased at the Loewenthal Sale, Berlin, November 1931, by the dealership of A. Seligmann Rey & Co. William Randolph Hearst acquired it in 1932 and in 1933 shipped it to San Simeon. Hearst donated the panel to the museum in 1943; it was accessioned in 1945.

Inventory Number

Bibliography and Sources


Boesch, P. (1949). Die Wiler Glasmaler and Ihr Werk, 89. Neujahrsblatt, Historischen Verein des Kanton St. Gallen, St. Gallen.

Boesch, P. (1955). Die Schweizer Glasmalerei. Basel : Birkhäuser Verlag.

Egli, J. (1927). Die Glasgemälde des Historischen Museums in St. Gallen, vol. 2 (67th Neujahrsblatt, Historischen Verein des Kantons St. Gallen), St. Gallen.

Hayward, J. (1989). Stained Glass before 1700 in American Collections: Midwestern and Western States. Corpus Vitrearum Checklist III, ed. and intro… More

Image Information

Name of Image
Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles CA,
Link to the original photo
Public Domain


Reference Number
Author and Date of Entry
Virginia C. Raguin 2024

Linked Objects and Images

Linked Objects
Gerichtsscheibe Goldach