
Duthoit, Edmond

Edmond Clément Marie Duthoit
Birth and Death
Amiens (Somme) 1.05.1837 – 11.06.1889 Amiens
Author and Date of Entry
Sarah Keller 2024
Biographical Data

French architect and disciple of Eugène Viollet-le-Duc. In 1861, he accompanied Melchior de Vogüé on a journey to Islamic lands. Further expeditions took place in 1865 and 1872 (Algeria) (Oulebsir, 2009, p. 162).


Oulebsir, N. (2009). Edmond Duthoit. Un architecte néogothique et moderne, entre Picardie et Méditerranée. In N. Oulebsir and M. Volait (dir.), L’Orientalisme architectural entre imaginaires et savoirs. Paris: Éditions Picard/CNRS InVisu, p. 155–176.