Spotlight on the revival of sacred art in French-speaking Switzerland: 100 years of the Saint-Luc Group
Research: Camille Noverraz, Valérie Sauterel, Elisa Ambrosio
Number of artworks: 750
Research: Camille Noverraz, Valérie Sauterel, Elisa Ambrosio
Number of artworks: 750
Research: Valérie Sauterel, Aude Spicher
Number of artworks: 231
Research: Francine Giese, Sarah Keller, Sophie Wolf, Sarah Tabbal, Franziska Niemand
Number of artworks: 54
Research: Katrin Kaufmann
Number of artworks: 61
Research: Sarah Keller, Katrin Kaufmann, Rolf Hasler, Eva-Maria Scheiwiller-Lorber
Corpus Vitrearum Switzerland, Post-medieval series, 8
Number of artworks: 1221
Panorama of the glassart collections in the Vitromusée Romont (stained glass, reverse painting on glass, graphic designs, glass objets)
Number of artworks: 1630
8 May to 14 August 2022
Selection of the displayed works of art
Number of artworks: 14
Research: Laura Hindelang
In collaboration with the University of Bern, Institute of Art History, Chair of History of Architecture and Monument Preservation
Number of artworks: 173
Research: Marion Gartenmeister
Number of artworks: 64
Research: Rolf Hasler, Sarah Keller, Michael Tomaschett
Number of artworks: 55
Research: Uta Bergmann
Corpus Vitrearum Switzerland, Post-medieval series, 6
Number of artworks: 429
Research: Uta Bergmann, Rolf Hasler, Sarah Keller
Corpus Vitrearum Switzerland, Post-medieval series, 7
Number of artworks: 1351
Selection of the collection Ruth and Frieder Ryser and recent acquisitions
Research: Elisa Ambrosio, Yves Jolidon
Number of artworks: 196
Research: Sarah Keller, Stephan Leuenberger
Number of artworks: 70
Selection of the collection
Research: Erwin Baumgartner, Sibylle Walther
Number of artworks: 15
Research: Frédéric Hueber
Number of artworks: 75
Stained glass analysed in the context of the Corpus Vitrearum
Number of artworks: 3368
Research: Valérie Sauterel
Project in cooperation with the Association pour la Promotion de l’Art Sacré (APAS)
Number of artworks: 1771
Research: Rolf Hasler
Number of artworks: 42
17th of April to 3rd of October 2021
Selection of the displayed works of art
Number of artworks: 9
Selection of the collections
Number of artworks: 1312
Selection of the collection in the Vitromusée Romont
Research: Camille Noverraz, Valérie Sauterel
Number of artworks: 386
Selection of the the collection in the Vitromusée Romont
Research: Camille Noverraz
Number of artworks: 616
16th of June 2019 to 1st of March 2020
Selection of the displayed works of art
Number of artworks: 7
Research: Uta Bergmann, Astrid Kaiser
With examples from the Corpus Vitrearum Switzerland, Post-medieval series, 6 – Fribourg
Number of artworks: 157
21st of June 2020 to 28th February 2021
Selection of the displayed works of art
Number of artworks: 36