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IG_32: Plate of L’art arabe d’après les monuments du Kaire depuis le VIIe siècle jusqu'à la fin du XVIIIe, 1869–77


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Cairo, Maison Sidi Youçouf Adami: chambre de la nourrice

Art des Objekts
Künstler*in / Hersteller*in
45 x 30.5 cm



Pl. CXL in vol. 3 of Émile Prisse d’Avennes’ L’Art arabe d’après les monuments du Kaire depuis le VIIe siècle jusqu’à la fin du XVIIIe, 1877. The plate shows a room in a private house in Cairo. Three stucco and glass windows appear in the upper part of the wall. A window with red, yellow, and green flowers is flanked on each side by a window depicting a central cypress. The cypresses have a yellow trunk with red and green leaves and are entwined with a yellow stem, adorned with green, red, and yellow flowers.

Iconclass Code
25G3(CYPRESS) · Bäume: Zypresse
25G41 · Blumen
48A98312 · Ornamente in Form von Ranken
Iconclass Stichworte
Blume · Ranke · Zypresse

Technik / Zustand





Émile Prisse d’Avennes published two illustrations from the ‘Maison Sidi Youçouf Adami’. He described this house, which – as far is known – no longer exists, as one of the most remarkable of Cairo and also made estampages of the stucco work (Fonds Prisse d’Avennes, Bibliothèque nationale de France). The stucco and glass windows are not inserted in a mashrabiyya, but in the marble-covered wall.
Two windows show the widely used motif of a cypress flanked by flower tendrils. However, the entwining tendril that this type of window often has (see IG_2) is not present. The middle window with flowers is even more unusual: there is no stem, and the flowers float freely. A bouquet of flowers is a common motif for stucco and glass windows, but the flowers are always attached to a central stem and usually put in a vase (see IG_1). Although the archaeologist Prisse had a deep knowledge of stucco and glass windows, he seems to have taken certain liberties in depicting them. One reason for this may be that another person, the German painter Bernard Schmidt, drew the illustration (as noted at the bottom of the plate).

In 1897, the window with a cypress was reprinted by Lewis Foreman Day, in his Windows. A Book About Stained & Painted Glass (fig. 7).

Verknüpfte Standorte
Building, Cairo · Cairo, Maison Sidi Youçouf Adami : chambre de la nourrice

Bibliografie und Quellen


Day, L. F. (1897). Windows. A Book About Stained & Painted Glass, London: B. T. Batsford.

Prisse d’Avennes, É. (1869–1877). L’art arabe d’après les monuments du Kaire depuis le VIIe siècle jusqu’à la fin du XVIIIe (Vols. 1-4). J. Savoy & Cie. Retrieved June 26, 2024, from


18.5.2024–1.9.2024: Luminosité de l’Orient, Vitromusée Romont


Name des Bildes
From The New York Public Library


Autor*in und Datum des Eintrags
Sarah Keller 2024

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Verwandte Objekte
L’art arabe d’après les monuments du Kaire depuis le VIIe siècle jusqu'à la fin du XVIIIe