
Al-Aqsa Mosque

Geografische Hierarchie
Koordinaten (WGS 84)
AutorIn und Datum des Eintrags
Sarah Keller 2023
Informationen zum Gebäude / zur Institution

The Al-Aqsa Mosque was built in the Umayyad period (65–96 AH / 685–715 AD) and renovated in the Abbasid, Fatimid, Ayyubid, Mamluk and Ottoman periods. The windows installed in the mosque by the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman Qanuni in the years 1528/29 have not survived. In 1233–34 AH / 1817–18 AD, according to Flood, the windows of the dome of the mosque and probably also the ones of the mihrab façade were altered. A large restoration in the 1360s AH / 1940s AD, as well as the conflagration of 1386–87 AH / 1967 AD seem to have destroyed all the 19th-century windows (Flood, 2000, p. 449).

Gustave Le Bon published a coloured plate of the stucco and glass windows of the mihrab façade in his La Civilisation des Arabes, 1884. It shows the now-lost windows from the beginning of the 19th century.


Flood, F. B. (2000). The Ottoman Windows in the Dome of the Rock and the Aqsa Mosque. In S. Auld, & R- Hillenbrand, (Eds.), Ottoman Jerusalem (pp. 431–462). London: Altajir World of Islam Trust.

Hamilton, R. W. (1949). The structural history of the Aqsa Mosque: a record of archaeological gleanings from the repairs of 1938-1942. London: Oxford University Press.

Le Bon, G. (1884). La civilisation des Arabes. Paris: Firmin-Didot, pl. 9.

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