
Mosque of Sayyida Zaynab

El-Sayeda Zainab Square
11617 Cairo
Geografische Hierarchie
Koordinaten (WGS 84)
AutorIn und Datum des Eintrags
Sarah Keller 2024
Informationen zum Gebäude / zur Institution

The first mention of this Cairene mosque is its renovation in 951 AH / 1547 AD. There was a further restoration in 1171 AH / 1768 AD. In 1859, a complete reconstruction of the building was planned and implemented by Julius Franz in his capacity as director of the Technical Waqf Department, a role he held between 1881 and 1887 (Volait, 2005, pp. 153, 431). In 1940, the building was renovated again.

Prisse d’Avennes published a stucco and glass window from the mosque in 1877 (1869–1877, vol. 3, pl. CXLIV).


Prisse d’Avennes, É. (1869–1877). L’art arabe d’après les monuments du Kaire depuis le VIIe siècle jusqu’à la fin du XVIIIe. 4 vols. J. Savoy & Cie.

Volait, M. (2005). Architectes et architectures de l’Égypte moderne. 1830–1950. Genèse et essor d’une expertise locale. Paris: Maisonneuve et Larose.

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